🧠learn and unlearn how to code
The minute I learned there was a coding livestream called Whiskey Wednesday, I had to get in on it. And what perfect timing, because just a few days later the hosts needed a guest that fit my description!
I responded immediately on Twitter and hit up one of the hosts in the Learn Build Teach Discord server. I got the response I was hoping for, and I was in! The topic of the show was about being a self taught developer, which is what I pride myself on. I never spent a dime on my web development education and I've done pretty well for myself so far.
There were six developers on the stream: the hosts Marc and Scott, myself, and three other guests who were self taught as well. Eddy Vinck, Martha Sharpe, and Ruth Ikegah were all at different points in their careers and it was great to hear their learning strategies.
The episode did an amazing job bringing in an audience, and I got plenty of new followers after it aired. So welcome to everyone new, I hope I can teach you something!